Don’t worry, it usually happens ;)
In case you've accidentally started a new Papumba subscription, please apply for a refund and proceed to cancel the duplicated subscription.
Unfortunately, we can’t offer you a direct refund, as payments are handled by Apple and Google and they don’t allow us to directly offer refunds.
Please follow these steps, depending on the platform you have purchased twice:
- iOS:
You will need to appeal directly to them to get a refund. Please, follow these steps to start the refund process with Apple.
After doing that, please proceed to cancel your Papumba subscription following these steps.
- Google Play:
Luckily, Google allows Developers to help you with the refund process directly. In order to do so, we will need your purchase Order Number ID (also called "GPA").
Where to find your purchase Order Number ID, also called "GPA"?
When you make a purchase, Google will automatically send you an email with this Order Number ID ("GPA"). You can easily search for it in your Gmail inbox, by typing: "GPA Papumba". After doing it, you will be in front of the search results. Please gather the correct email from Google with your purchase receipt, and keep the "GPA" at hand.
Then, please send us an email at, and your Order Number ID (“GPA”) written in the body of the email.
Our Customer Care Team will get in touch with you, and proceed with the refunding process (usually it takes up to 96hs days to be completed).
- Web subscription:
If you accidentally purchased one or more subscriptions through our website (, just write us at sharing the email account you’ve used to create your subscription, and our Customer Care Team will help you right away in the refund process.